How to Remove Bad Reviews from or How to Mitigate Their Impact

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Article Outline

Steps to Remove Bad Reviews from
Contacting the Reviewer
Reaching Out to
How to Mitigate the Impact of Bad Reviews
Responding to Negative Reviews
The Art of Crafting a Diplomatic Response
Encouraging Positive Reviews
Incentivizing Satisfied Customers
Proactive Measures to Avoid Negative Reviews
Implementing Service Improvements
Regularly Monitoring Your Online Reputation

How to Remove Bad Reviews from or How to Mitigate Their Impact

Understanding the Importance of Online Reviews

In the era of digitalization, online reviews are an integral part of any business’s reputation. For hospitality industries, including hotels, resorts, and vacation rentals, platforms like hold significant influence.

The Impact of Negative Reviews

Negative reviews can be detrimental, especially for those operating in a competitive environment. They can adversely affect potential bookings and ultimately, your bottom line.

Why You Can’t Just Remove Negative Reviews

However, it’s crucial to understand that you can’t always remove negative reviews. Why? Because they’re part of a transparent, authentic online environment, and sometimes they might contain a grain of truth you need to address.

Steps to Remove Bad Reviews from

Are there ways to remove bad reviews from Yes, but it’s not always straightforward, and it usually involves:

Contacting the Reviewer

If a review is genuinely unjustified or based on a misunderstanding, you might consider reaching out to the guest directly to resolve the issue. They could then agree to modify their review.

Reaching Out to

If you feel a review violates’s review policy, you can report it to the platform for evaluation.

How to Mitigate the Impact of Bad Reviews

More than removal, it’s often more helpful to focus on mitigating the impact of bad reviews.

Responding to Negative Reviews

Replying to negative reviews is an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction.

The Art of Crafting a Diplomatic Response

A well-crafted response can help turn a negative into a positive, showing that you care about your guests’ experiences.

Encouraging Positive Reviews

Counterbalance negative reviews with positive ones. How? By encouraging your happy guests to leave reviews!

Incentivizing Satisfied Customers

Consider offering incentives like discounts on future stays or free upgrades to encourage more positive reviews.

Proactive Measures to Avoid Negative Reviews

Prevention is always better than cure. Proactive measures can help prevent negative reviews in the first place.

Implementing Service Improvements

Always strive to improve your services based on feedback. Remember, every criticism is an opportunity for improvement.

Regularly Monitoring Your Online Reputation

Stay on top of your online reputation by regularly monitoring and addressing reviews and feedback.


Negative reviews on can feel like a thorn in the side, but there are steps to remove or mitigate their impact. Balance is key – while it’s crucial to address negative reviews, proactively fostering positive ones can make all the difference.


  1. Can I delete a bad review on You can’t directly delete a review. However, you can report it to if it violates their review policy, or you can contact the guest to resolve the issue.
  2. How do I report a review on You can report a review from your account’s “Guest Reviews” section.
  3. What should I do if I get a negative review? Address the issue promptly and politely, showing your commitment to improving guest experience.
  4. How can I encourage positive reviews? Excellent service is the best way to get positive reviews. You can also incentivize guests with special offers for their feedback.
  5. How can I prevent negative reviews? Providing top-notch service, promptly addressing concerns, and actively seeking feedback are effective strategies to prevent negative reviews.

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